miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Un chocolate para una Scrapera / a Chocolat for a Scraper

Pues les vengo a mostrar un chocolatito  que decore con el bello digi que regalo Liz de Super-Scrapbook para celebrar su 3er. aniversario y así participar en su Reto.
As I come to show chocolatito decorate with beautiful digi that gift Liz Super-Scrapbook to celebrate their 3rd. anniversary and participate in their quest.

Los papeles para decorar son de las colecciones navidad y elegante de súper scrapbook y la base es con un cardstock (no me acuerdo que marca :P ); porque tiene tintes de navidad, bueno porque lo di en un intercambio en una crop a la que asistí el fin de semana pasado.
The papers are decorating the Christmas and super stylish scrapbook collections and the base is a cardstock (I forget which brand: P); because it dyes christmas, good because I gave in an exchange on a crop which I attended last weekend.

Al tener tema de navidad participo en los retos de Simon Says Stamp y Creaciones Uripao
Christmas theme Having participated in the challenges of Simon Says Stamp and Uripao Creations.

Se que aún me falta experiencia en la iluminación de los sellos, pero sigo practicando.
It is that I still lack experience in the lighting of the stamps, but I keep practicing.

Gracias por sus comentarios.
Thank you for your feedback.

2 comentarios:

  1. Super cute and fun!! Love it!!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  2. super cute project:)
    Thanks for stopping by my Holiday Coffee Lovers Blog Hop post....I just wanted to let you know that people can link up until Friday, Dec 12th @ 11:55 pm pacific :) There should be more people linking up.


Sus mensajitos me hacen feliz!!! Ayudame a sonreir ;)